John Quincy Adams Funny John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams swam naked in the Potomac, kept an alligator in the White House and won liberty for Africans who mutinied on the slave send Amistad.
So, yes, he was principled but quirky, qualities that can get you a unmarried term in the White House. Which is what happened to John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the U.s..
John Quincy Adams
Built-in on July 11, 1767, John Quincy Adams was ane of the smartest and best educated presidents the United states ever had. He traveled widely in Europe with his father every bit a boy and ardently opposed slavery throughout his long career. He too lost a brutal reelection campaign for president, after which he served as a U.S. congressman from Massachusetts.
John Quincy Adams
Simply hither are a few things about John Quincy Adams yous may not have gleaned from the history books.
!. John Quincy Adams had stiff feelings about kissing, non necessarily positive.
As a 20-yr-old Harvard graduate studying constabulary in Newburyport, Mass., he attended a New Year's Party. He did not accept fun. Some people started singing, and they wouldn't terminate though they weren't very good. When that stupid ceremony ended, he wrote in his diary, an equally stupid kissing game started. He called it a 'profanation.'
ii. He liked to dance.
Perhaps considering his father was such a bad dancer, John Quincy Adams had to study dance as a male child in Europe. He liked it, though, and called dancing 'one of the nearly innocent and rational amusements that was ever invented.' He attended dances from college through his lxxxthursday birthday. As a marking of his grapheme he thought information technology petty to brand fun of bad dancers.
3. His wanton niece seduced all 3 of his sons.
Like his begetter, John Quincy Adams had three sons, two disappointments and one success. He and his wife Louisa took into their household Louisa'southward orphaned niece, a flirtatious girl named Mary Hellen. She slept with all iii sons, dumping Charles Francis and George for John. She wisely rejected George, an alcoholic wastrel who committed suicide. But she should take stuck with Charles Francis, who grew into a renowned historian, statesman and author. John seemed promising enough at the time of their White House nuptials, but failed at business, fell into debt and despair and died of alcoholism at 33.
John Quincy Adams by George Peter Alexander Healy
iv. He wore pants and his own pilus to his presidential inauguration.
As a pol, John Quincy Adams came across as aloof and lacked the charm of many of his contemporaries. Though he was widely traveled, sophisticated and intelligent, he had elementary tastes. He frequently dined on crackers in a urban center teeming with bon vivants. During his inauguration ceremony he wore a black, homespun suit with full-length pants rather than human knee breeches – and no powdered wig.
v. John Quincy Adams nearly drowned as president.
In the summer of 1825, he and his manservant tried to paddle a canoe across the Tiber Creek, which once flowed through Washington, D.C., near the National Archives. President Adams idea he'd take off his clothes on shore and swim back. His son John, who joined them, warned them well-nigh the dangerous boat. He was right; the canoe sprung a leak and the current of air kicked up. Adams and the retainer jumped overboard and swam to the opposite shore. Adams took off his waterlogged dress and lay gasping on the bank of the river until his rescue.
6. He was the showtime president to be interviewed by a female person reporter.
Anne Royall, a travel writer and publisher, had a simple formula for success. She charged $5 for subscriptions and treated customers gently, while heaping invective on nonsubscribers. Fortunately for John Quincy Adams, he paid her $5 when he met her. He also told her to call on his married woman and promised to become her a alimony. Co-ordinate to an apocryphal story, she cornered him while skinny-dipping in the Potomac – something he did every day. She supposedly asked him about audio coin and the Bank of the United States (he supported it). He subsequently called her 'the virago errant in enchanted armour.'
U.S. Rep. John Quincy Adams
7. The color of his caput gave the alphabetize of his feelings.
Subsequently he lost the presidency, John Quincy Adams returned to Washington as a congressman. He fought slavery with blunt and violent oratory. He could barely speak after suffering a stroke that partially paralyzed him at 78. Another congressman, John Wentworth, wrote, "Information technology was understood in the galleries, as well as in the firm, that the colour of his caput was the index of his feelings, information technology often becoming as red, under the violent declamations of Southern men, as living coals of burn down." Once his caput turned bright reddish as a Southerner denounced Northern abolitionists. "Some waggish member exclaimed to the orator: "He says you are lying." The speaker at in one case dropped the line of his speech, assumed a belligerent attitude, and exclaimed: "Who says I am lying?" "Adams," "Adams," replied several members. The laughter which followed was greatly increased when Mr. Adams, putting his mitt upon his head, gave a significant nod, every bit much equally to say: "I practise say he was lying."
This story updated in 2022.
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